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Certified Copy Of Resolutions


RESOLVED, that the Factoring Agreement of the date specified below between this company and [Name of Buyer] "herein Buyer" Corporation and all other agreements and documents connected therewith be, and the same hereby are, approved on the terms and conditions as set forth therein;

RESOLVED, that any officer of this company is authorized and directed to enter into said agreement and all other agreements and documents connected therewith and to execute the same for and on behalf of this company on the terms and conditions set forth therein;

RESOLVED, that any officer of this company is authorized and directed to negotiate, agree upon, execute and deliver, from time to time, in the name of, and on behalf of [Name of Company], this company, such agreements, amendments and supplements to said agreement or any other agreement or document connected therewith, documents, instruments, certificates, notices, and further assurances, and to perform any and all such acts and things as may be required by Buyer in connection with said agreement or any other agreement or document connected therewith, or may to him seem necessary or proper to implement and effect complete consummation of said agreement or any other agreement or document connected therewith in all respects and the purposes set forth in these resolutions;

RESOLVED, that an Invoice Transmittal submitted and signed by any employee of the company will authorize the sale, transfer or assignment of, for full face value or at a discount therefrom, accounts, notes, trade acceptances, drafts, contracts, leases or other instruments owned or held by the company and guarantee payment thereof on the companys behalf.

RESOLVED, that these resolutions shall remain in full force and effect until written notice of their amendment or repeal shall be received by Buyer and until all indebtedness and obligations arising out of said agreement and all other agreements and documents connected therewith shall have been paid and satisfied in full.

The undersigned, as the duly constituted Secretary of this company does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolutions duly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of this company, duly called, noticed and held on the date specified below, at which meeting there was at all times present and acting a quorum of the members of said Board; that said resolutions are in full force and effect; and that the following is a true and correct list of the present officers of this company:

Date of Factoring Agreement: [Date of factoring agreement].

0 Presidents Name: [Presidents Name]

Vice-presidents Name: [Vice-presidents Name]

Corp. Secretarys Name: [Corp. Secretarys Name]

CFO / Treasurers Name: [CFO / Treasurers Name]

Corporate Secretarys Signature:

Name of Company:


Date companys Board of Directors adopted above resolutions: